In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
1. We gained inspiration for this shot from the video below. We liked this shot because it shows the accompniment used by Mumford and Sons themselves which links our music video. It also portrays Jacques feelings and his talent in using the guitar.
2. We found that this shot was a very effective way of showing the instruments used in the accompniment, as it shows the music genre. This shot is taken from part of the instrumental bit in the music video and by using this it alows the viewer to take in the video.
3. We believe that this shot illustrates the passion that the couple have for one and other. Our inspiration for this was from the film 'The holiday' which can be seen below. Audiences that are interested in this particular genre expect a passionate kiss in a storyline like ours, this is supporting the theorist Roland Barthes in his narrative codes.
4. This shot demonstrates the female being represented as flirtatious and how a typical girl in love would feel. We found the clip fromm Twilight 'new moon' when Bella is seen to be running along in slow motion but then looking back straight into his eyes, see this in the link below. This gives off a great atomsphere and makes you see her as the male see's her.
5. The clip below has been a big inspiration to portray the shot above. We got this from another Mumford a Son's video and it shows the deep passion that the singer has about his music. It also links to the storyline of our music video because his face is showing love towards the female. Using a different angle creates a different view on how he is feeling.
6. The mis en scene is set in the woods, we thought this would be a great place to show that the couple are out having a romantic time together. Again we got the idea from a Mumford and Sons video because it really fits with there genre and style of music.
7. The Mumford and Sons clip below and the shot of our video both represent the extreme emotions of this heartbroken male. This close up shot is a an effective way to show the audience that feelings of the male and the connotations of the peice.