So, I decided to register to be a member of the Mumford and Sons website, this gives you privileges such as being able to comment on blog posts, comments and leave forum posts. After browsing the website it is obvious to see that the band want to be involved with their fans. Aswell as being able to read blog posts made personally by band members, it is also updated with news and tour dates, photos, and a biography.
I think to MAS' committed fans this website will be perfect for them as they will feel a connection on a personal level, it is not too often that celebrities will use technologies to communicate with fans, and I think this shows that as a band, they are very humble.

Here is a print screen of evidence of a band member (Marcus) making time for the fans. I think this is also perfect advertising for a band, not only are they talented but they will be recognised for being thoughtful too, this along with the very informative, easy-to-use website will allow many people to browse and be taken in by the band. (It is noteable aswell that it is free to register to this website so it is open to anyone.)

Aswell as having their own website, Mumford are also taking control of other social networking sites such as facebook, where as of today, they have an impressive 484,453 'likes.'
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