This is a image i have taken from lookbook that where are looking at for the role of the second male which is the girls lover, we decided that we wanted him to look more prepi and posh. In this image he has jeans on we have decided to go with a smarter look and will put our male in smart tailored trousers. The shoes will be like the one in this image but black and have a a gloss to show his higher class, we want the lover to wear a shirt like this that we could get from a vintage shop so it would be authentic, the blazer is simple, smart and clean cut again showing his class.
His hair will be in a simple comb over which is a typical posh boys hair. Overall we want this character to be stuck up, posh and all about looks and his clothes and hair should represent his class and wealth.
Good stuff hannah. Try and get your friends to comment on your blog so you can demonstrate evidence of audience feedback in your work.