Friday, 29 October 2010
Sucess of outdoor shots
When we filmed last wednesday it was a real sucess. As a group we are very pleased with the outcome and our shots are just what we wanted. Although it was a very cold day, the weather was perfect because the sun was still shining and a blue sky. Over the period of time we had we managed to get over 4 minutes of shots that we can edit and either use or delete. Also we took pictures with Hannahs camera of each shot that we filmed so that we have proof that it is our footage. One main shot that i seem to remember that was not sucessful was a low shot when we placed the camera as low as it would go and film the two actors feet running past but it didn't work because the feet moved too fast and next time we willl make them slow down and we will turn the camera as they run to ensure we have enough of that shot. Overall it was a productive day and we got everything done that we had aimed to.
The Greyhound Inn

The Greyhound Inn is an 18th Century coaching inn, restored in 1989 by Robert Eggleston. It is perfect for our media as it has an english romantic look, including it's own courtyard and juliet balconies. After having a look at photos on the website, it has assured me that although it is situated in a busy town, it is very pituresque and allows continutity of the shrubbery from our outdoor scenes. The rooms include old fashioned dark wood furniture which is absolutely perfect for us, and is a relief after searching, with no joy, for the right locations.
Dolly Mix Vintage
Lauren's Costumes

For the outdoor shots, this is when she is seen as pure and happy, so to fit this we will dress her in light clothing, which will either be a white/cream coloured dress, or a white top and light blue trousers. Lauren is inkeeping with this look as her hair is a very bright blonde colour, this also helps to illuminate her in the natural light that will be in the forest we are using. Her hair will be very neatly taken back, out of her face to allow the light to reflect off her face, but also to make her happy emotions very visible, and clear.

Cast Change

Due to Sophie being unavailable for our filming schedule, we decided to change her for Lauren Findley. Lauren, we feel is perfect for the role of the female as she is a typically pretty girl, which is perfect for her role as the desired female. She is also slim, which again fits the stereotypical, attractive female and also this makes it easier to dress her, as the costume we originally had for Sophie, fits her too. Lauren, like Sophie, has experience with performance which assures us that she will be up to the emotional acting needed for our video.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
We made a decision that by the end of half term we will of completed all of our outdoor shots. Last week i was look through the weather forecast and the best day that i found to film was Wednesday 20th October because although it was going to be cold the sun would be shining. Here is an overview of this months weather, it is telling us that it is going to be very chilly but should be dry with is great. Unfortunately due to filming yesterday i had no time to get the wednesday weather forecast on the blog that showed this sunny weather but by our shots you will be able to see that the weather was just as planned.

Cold start with no Indian Summer in sight
At first we draw in some Arctic air and snow showers in Scotland. Gradually the wind backs around through westnorthwesterly to southwesterly over the following three weeks.
None of that allows any significant warmth but should bring a lot of sunshine.
Wind and rain are normally the watchwords of autumn but it looks like the northwest of the UK will be the focus of most of the rain. We'll none of us escape the breeze and at least some showers.
Monday 18 October 2010 to Sunday 24 October 2010
Arctic chill. Briefly.
As pressure rises in the Atlantic and falls in Scandinavia, we in the UK are between the two: We suffer the consequence of a northerly wind which brings air from beyond the Arctic Circle.
This cold air will flood the whole of the UK during Tuesday and Wednesday leaving white-topped Scottish hills and another widespread inland frost on Tuesday night.
Daytime temperatures will drop to single figures even before you think about windchill. Hard frosts at night will be avoided as the wind will be generally brisk.
By the end of the week, the wind will back to a northwesterly, cutting off any further temperature drop and bringing rain into Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Monday 25 October 2010 to Sunday 31 October 2010
Not as cold
Confidence in the forecast is medium to low but a consistent signal is higher than average rainfall in Northern Ireland. This suggests a westnorthwesterly wind, bearing rain showers. The signal for rain in southwest Britain is lower than average, supporting this idea.
Other consequences of that weather set-up are quite a lot of sunshine in most areas and temperatures rising from last week's levels.
Sunday 31 October 2010 to Saturday 13 November 2010
Wet and windy Halloween?
The wind completes its journey back to a southwesterly. The implication of that is that a low pressure centre exists to the west of the UK.
Temperatures ought not to surprise, rain should be concentrated in the west and southwest and sunshine should show most in the east and in Scotland.
Next week
It's November. Expect cold, quiet, grey and damp conditions.
Monthly forecasting
The weather beyond about a week ahead stretches even the most experienced weather forecaster. Complex numerical weather forecast models from the Met Office and the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) are run many times for the month (and season) ahead to build up a picture of the likelihood of different weather types affecting the UK.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Our HD camera
The camera that we will be using to shoot all of ours shots for our music video is a HD panasonic camcorder. Due to problems trying to work my brothers camera we decided to ask my step mother if we could use her HD camera that would be perfect for our media work.
The HDC SD5 camcorder uses Panasonic’s original 3CCD HD camcorder that records video at a 1920×1080 resolution along with an advanced O.I.S. system to help keep your shots from having the shakes, even when you do. The HDC-SD5 also makes use of a lens from the well-known Leica camera using 12 lens elements in eight groups with a low-dispersion glass to help keep crisp, defined colors in the video.
(information found on

The HDC SD5 camcorder uses Panasonic’s original 3CCD HD camcorder that records video at a 1920×1080 resolution along with an advanced O.I.S. system to help keep your shots from having the shakes, even when you do. The HDC-SD5 also makes use of a lens from the well-known Leica camera using 12 lens elements in eight groups with a low-dispersion glass to help keep crisp, defined colors in the video.
(information found on
Friday, 15 October 2010
Actors. Continued.
This is jeff. He is going to be our final actor in the video, he does drama alevel and will be perfect for this role as we need his acting skills to portray the character we have in mind. It will be easy to make him into the upper class man as he has long hair and a smart look about him. The worry we have is that he might not be able to portray the anger in the scenes where our couple is fighting but im sure he can pull it off.
Costume. further.
The first image that i have drew up is of jack to get an over all image of what he will look like. I have taken the ideas from our earlier post about the costume from the 1940s. This is the character that we all want to win, so we decided to make him casual and a bit rough looking, so that is why we have chosen a plain button half way down shirt, a dark pair of skinny jeans and a black waistcoat that we will try and find in a vintage shop (Dolly mix). We wanted to look in a vintage shop so we could make our videoseem more aurthentic.
The second image is of jeff. Jeff is a smart and sophisticated character that will be the 'villian' in our video. we decided to make him smart and sleek to show his wealth and status. A suit is perfect for this, we want to focus on the small details on jeff because the smaller things our usally the most expensive e.g cuff links. The suit is easy to find but its weather the suit fits in with the 1940s which will be the promblem there for again we will research this in dolly mix vintage.

The second image is of jeff. Jeff is a smart and sophisticated character that will be the 'villian' in our video. we decided to make him smart and sleek to show his wealth and status. A suit is perfect for this, we want to focus on the small details on jeff because the smaller things our usally the most expensive e.g cuff links. The suit is easy to find but its weather the suit fits in with the 1940s which will be the promblem there for again we will research this in dolly mix vintage.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
The make up.

I looked up 1940s make up to see what where the main features of make up they focused on, from the research i found that they where all about the lips and eyes. Different types of red dark or light on the lips, with a flick on the eye and shadowing around the edges to extenuate the eyes, to make them look bigger and brighter. Glamour played a major part in the 40's every girl wanted to be glamorous but still natural, I looked up techniques on youtube and some videos cropped up this one caught my eye. This is a vintage video showing a woman teacjing a class of girl how to apply make up, it does not include eyes which is wear i research more and found out about the glamorous eye, very pin up girl.
I tried it out on my self and the put the technique to paper. This is hopefully what Sophie's eyes will look like but hopefully with a darker brow and some red lip stick. The darker brow can be achieved by taking a liner brush and applying a dark eye shadow to the eyebrow or simply buying a eye brow pencil. The lips are simple a red lip liner a bit darker than the lipstick to make the lips appear blumber then apply the lip stick but with a thin brush so you can fill in any creases in the lips. This eye make up is more to the glamorous side of the 40s more pin up style, as Sophie is suppose to be the object of the singers attraction, so we need to play up sophies beauty. This is the perfect eye shadow set that i have that we can use, there for we are not spending money, we are just using what we already have.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Shooting Schedule
Time schedule
Wednesday 13th October –
We will film the book shoots on this day between 1.50pm and 3.10pm which is in our media lesson. For this we will need: Camera, Stand and the book.
Monday 18th October –
We will film the outdoor shots on this day between 9am and 3pm. For this we will need our actors Jack and Sophie and the Camera, Stand, Costumes and our cars for the headlights.
Tuesday 19th October –
We will leave this day open just incase we need to film more of our outdoor shots, if we don't need this day we could move our schedule forward which will mean we have more time to edit.
Wednesday 27th October –
We will do our Indoor shots on this day. For this we will need Jack, Jeff and Sophie, the camera, stand, bed and covers, lamp, old phone, guitar and costume.
Thursday 21st October –
Again we will leave this open just incase we need more time to film indoor shots.
Friday 22nd October – Friday 5th November-
We will Edit between these dates at any available time we have. As a group we will try and fit everything together. For this we will need myself, Steff and Hannah and Steff's macbook.
Our artist.
Jack is our artist and this is his version of white blank page, by mumford and sons. Jack was born 1 october 1991 in Camden, London. Jack attended the london school of preforming arts to study acting but he dropped out when he realised the threatre was not for him and wanted to persue a life in music. He didnt not want to study music at school, he wanted to gain the experiance on busking on the streets of london. Finally someone spotted him, Island records the same record lable as Frankmusik, florence and the machine and mumford and sons; saw a rising star in Jack. Jack has preformed at the dot to dot festival, o2 acdemy Birmingham, Leeds, sheffield, Leicester, and Glasgow and many more. Jack has not yet been in the no. 1 spot but he has showed promise when he became no.5 with his song The road. Jack is a up and comming artist that is bound to make a long lasting impression.
Jack is our artist and this is his version of white blank page, by mumford and sons. Jack was born 1 october 1991 in Camden, London. Jack attended the london school of preforming arts to study acting but he dropped out when he realised the threatre was not for him and wanted to persue a life in music. He didnt not want to study music at school, he wanted to gain the experiance on busking on the streets of london. Finally someone spotted him, Island records the same record lable as Frankmusik, florence and the machine and mumford and sons; saw a rising star in Jack. Jack has preformed at the dot to dot festival, o2 acdemy Birmingham, Leeds, sheffield, Leicester, and Glasgow and many more. Jack has not yet been in the no. 1 spot but he has showed promise when he became no.5 with his song The road. Jack is a up and comming artist that is bound to make a long lasting impression.
Monday, 11 October 2010
Making the Animatic
Yesterday I bought the Bamboo Pen graphics tablet to allow me to create an animatic for our video. I chose to use photoshop and iMovie to create the animatic and then finally uploaded it to Youtube, for reasons I don't understand i've had to split it into sections as iMovie wouldnt allow me to put it all into one video. I followed our storyboard to create this animatic and introduced the song into it aswell, although this is just a rough guideline to how our video will flow, creating the animatic has given me a good idea of shots that may be hard to produce, and shots we may also want to add in, as there are a large amount of static shots when really, we'd like a range of shots.
First 27 Seconds
First 27 Seconds
Friday, 8 October 2010
HD Camera Hire
Today i've been looking into HD camcorder hire around Leicester. We want to get the best possible quality of film to prevent the video looking tacky and poor.
I have been in touch with one company (from who have quoted us £120.00 for a weeks hire of a JVC HD GZ40 Everio Camcorder. To split this price between the three of us is just not an option as that will be £40.00 each for just one week, when we are likely to need it for longer than that as we cannot rely on the weather.
Another possible option is Emily's brothers camera, but its currently unclear as to wether his camera is suitable for what we need it for, and if he's happy giving us responsibility for his camera as it's expensive.
We can use the cameras from school as a last resort, but after seeing footage from them in prelims, we'd much rather get a better quality camera as it will make our video so much better.
I have been in touch with one company (from who have quoted us £120.00 for a weeks hire of a JVC HD GZ40 Everio Camcorder. To split this price between the three of us is just not an option as that will be £40.00 each for just one week, when we are likely to need it for longer than that as we cannot rely on the weather.
Another possible option is Emily's brothers camera, but its currently unclear as to wether his camera is suitable for what we need it for, and if he's happy giving us responsibility for his camera as it's expensive.
We can use the cameras from school as a last resort, but after seeing footage from them in prelims, we'd much rather get a better quality camera as it will make our video so much better.
This is the 1st part of our story board we have decided to put it up as we go along, so we can show how long it takes. We have shown it using sticky notes so we could pick and choose shots we like, we could change the order easily and not keep drawing it up again.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
location. location. location.

We went to a location today to see if it was what we where looking for, luckly it was. we wanted somewhere for our forest scene with alot of trees but still room to move around and to have little light coming through, and i think we found what we where looking for in this location, it is based on the main road to rugby on your left hand side next to the royal mail offices. This location has a gate which we can park our car outside and then shin our lights through that is if it is a gloomy day but we are hoping for a day like today (Thursday 7th october 2010). We liked this location because it had a pathway going through it, this creates a sweet and romanic atmosphere. These are photos taken by me using my nikon d3000, we used my camera due to the fact it gives a better picture. 

Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Our Three Characters.

The villain (actor
unknown). A villain is the character that opposes the hero, in our case it is the unfaithful and horrible boyfriend, who is keeping the princess hostage by luring her in with his beauty and money, this is the character that can keep a woman even when he his horrible to her a true villain.
The hero (Jack). The hero is the character that seeks something, in this case the princess but in our story he
does not find what he seeks, he has had the prize before but she has fallen into the villains trap of false love and affection, Usually the hero is not a hero at the beginning that is way we are trying to make our character like able and make you feel sorry for him typical for a narrative. We wont our hero to be shabby and untrimmed, some one that was once a hero in her life but now no one loves him for example Hancock.
Monday, 4 October 2010
Whilst searching through youtube for a video that best suits the feeling of our male singer i found one called 'Proof - i am Kloot'. I think that this is a very apt example of the emotions that our singer will be feelings about seeing his ex girlfriend with another man. The mans facial expressions and mannerisms are perfect. His face is very blank showing his clear feelings of the matter. Also on certain beats of the music his eyes changes to a different direction, for example at the start of the video on the lyrics 'hey' his eyes open. This has a very big impact on the audience because his facial expression is just bemused
and looks almost like there is nothing happening in his life because it has come to a holt. This video is a perfect was to convey simplicity and that it is a very effective way to show emotions. Here is a clip out of the video that best suits this idea ...
Indoor location
Our initail idea for the indoor location that we would like is too use one of Steff's rooms in her house because she luckily has one that would fit our idea of a bare room with a bed in and furniture such as bedside table and a lamp. Things may not work out therefore we will have to rethink and come up with an alternative idea. The problems that we have found in trying to find a room that is suitable is that it must look like a 1930's style bedroom. House interiors of this time would include floral carpets, lamps, old style telephones.
An idea that we have come up with for our music video is to have the singer singing to the audience rather than the people around him and when the other people try to interact with him his is oblivious that they are there and has no reation to them. An example that we have found is 'Leave right now - Will Young'. The way that he always sings too the audience rather than anybody else in the room shows exactly what we are looking for.We have chosen to do this because we think that it will make the audience feel more involved and see the true feelings of the singer who is heartbroken and dealing with the grief of watching the one he loves with a man that does not treat her with respect.
Will Young - Leave Right Now
Uploaded by noteasy25. - See the latest featured music videos.
Will Young - Leave Right Now
Uploaded by noteasy25. - See the latest featured music videos.
Choosing outdoor location

Rugby Weekly Weather Forecast

This week we need to decide on our outdoor locations for the field, and the forest. Hannah had spotted a location near to Rugby which could be used for the forest location. We will need to look for places on a sunny day so that we can gauge how light it will be, as we do not have professional lighting. I have looked at the weather reports for this week from two reliable websites (bbc weather, and weather city) and after comparing the two, we've decided Thursday will be the day we go and look at these locations. To get the best results we will go to look for locations at mid day when the sun is at its peak, and if the weather isn't as predicted, we will still go and just try and predict how well the location will work.
This is Eminem ft Rhianna, love the way you lie video. I chopped this video to show the scene where they are arquing, we wanted to do something similar to this as we have a arquing couple in our music video. I like the lighting in this it exsentuates the dark vibes and feeling of the video, the sunlight is also plays a good part in the video, with is slightly shinning through the curtains shows the fact that even though it is daylight outside they are still sitting in the dark which then shows there relationship; even though there going through a ruff time theres hope. I love the scene where they are fighting on the bed, with the quick changes of camera angles showing every angle so we see each part of the fight for example when she spits in his face, it is a close up that includes both of there faces but they are at a slight angle which we like because it them becomes more realistic and less staged. There is a sectiong of the video when they speak the lyrics out in the song which then links the song to the video, this is very effected and shows the arquement in the song. We also wanted to use a field in our music video i again think this is a great example for that with the camera rotating around him we cannot do that to this extent due to lack of technology but i guess we can give it ago.
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Marketing Age
When our group discussed our marketing age we came up with a final decision that we would relate our music video to later aged tennagers aged 16-25. The reason for this is because we think that Mumford and Sons has an indie genre and that is what late teens of our generation are attracted too. Therefore when creating our music video we will portray the storyline in a way that teens can relate themselves to the emotions and heartbreak of the situation.
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