We went to a location today to see if it was what we where looking for, luckly it was. we wanted somewhere for our forest scene with alot of trees but still room to move around and to have little light coming through, and i think we found what we where looking for in this location, it is based on the main road to rugby on your left hand side next to the royal mail offices. This location has a gate which we can park our car outside and then shin our lights through that is if it is a gloomy day but we are hoping for a day like today (Thursday 7th october 2010). We liked this location because it had a pathway going through it, this creates a sweet and romanic atmosphere. These are photos taken by me using my nikon d3000, we used my camera due to the fact it gives a better picture. 

Remember if you're shining lights through the gates then you will get shadows! At this time of year try to stick to daylight filming. Any self respecting newspaper will publish sun up and sun down times. Failing that so does this website
You need to maximise the amount of filming time you have.