I looked up 1940s make up to see what where the main features of make up they focused on, from the research i found that they where all about the lips and eyes. Different types of red dark or light on the lips, with a flick on the eye and shadowing around the edges to extenuate the eyes, to make them look bigger and brighter. Glamour played a major part in the 40's every girl wanted to be glamorous but still natural, I looked up techniques on youtube and some videos cropped up this one caught my eye. This is a vintage video showing a woman teacjing a class of girl how to apply make up, it does not include eyes which is wear i research more and found out about the glamorous eye, very pin up girl.
I tried it out on my self and the put the technique to paper. This is hopefully what Sophie's eyes will look like but hopefully with a darker brow and some red lip stick. The darker brow can be achieved by taking a liner brush and applying a dark eye shadow to the eyebrow or simply buying a eye brow pencil. The lips are simple a red lip liner a bit darker than the lipstick to make the lips appear blumber then apply the lip stick but with a thin brush so you can fill in any creases in the lips. This eye make up is more to the glamorous side of the 40s more pin up style, as Sophie is suppose to be the object of the singers attraction, so we need to play up sophies beauty. This is the perfect eye shadow set that i have that we can use, there for we are not spending money, we are just using what we already have.

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