Wikipedia - Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Photoshop has ties with other Adobe software for media editing, animation, and authoring. The PSD (Photoshop Document), Photoshop's native format, stores an image with support for most imaging options available in Photoshop. These include layers with masks, color spaces, transparency, text, alpha channels and spot colors, clipping paths, and duotone settings.
To make our Album cover and poster we will use Photoshop to edit our design. We will use this because it has alot of different tools and ways to change and enhance pictures and move pictures and text around.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Mumford and Sons album cover research
This is a Mumford and Sons Album cover for 'sigh no more'. I think this is a great and abstract cover which relates to the band themselves. I like the idea of a blank background and a 2 shade colour scheme.
Here is another album cover for Mumford and Sons 'Roll away your stone'. Again this realates to badn themselves with its abstract design but it fits. They have once again used a blank colour for the background and your eye is drawn to the middle of the album cover where the design is.
Poster research continued
This is a Mumford and Sons poster. It is very simple yet affective, it is a long shot of the band sat on an old sofa. This poster represents the band very well because of the style and appearance. Also it will attract the right audience because of the style and mumford and sons is well known. An idea could be to use a photography of jack at the bottom and add text at the top simular to this using a plain colour for the background (light brown/cream) We could even use a drawing of Jacques at the bottom.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Band Merchandise

So as Steffs research shows below the mumford and sons band merchandise is very simple so i just thought of a simple design we could us for jacques. A plain white t with a small logo showing the artists name, we didnt want this to be a tshirt no one would want to wear outside of a concert so thats why the style is minial. obviously this could be changed into different colours or fonts for example the ones below show Jacques Reid in a different font. We havent talked about what font we would like on the tshirt, has we have not decided what font we would like on our cd case or poster, this will be decided tomorrow.


Today me and Hannah put together the final edit of the video, unfortunately Emmy couldn't be with us due to illness, however she has given enough input into what she wanted the video to look like before falling ill.
I feel that we've created a really good final edit, and although at the end of the school day we still had a minute left to edit, i've taken on what Hannah said and managed to finish it. Although I feel it looks good, I still want Hannah and Emmy to go over it tomorrow just to give another perspective, and add in any bits they feel necessary. The video is currently uploading to Youtube and will be posted shortly. (Note that this isn't the final cut)
Band Merchandise

Unisex Mumford and Sons official T - Shirt, Can be bought in four sizes and costs £20.00

Ladies Official Mumford and Sons vest top for album, 'Sign No More' can be bought in three sizes, and costs £20.00

Official Mumford and Sons canvas duffle bag, is in only one colour and costs £25.00.
"Perfect for carrying your kit back from the gym or towel back from the beach" -
I think band merchandise is very important nowadays as 'die-hard' fans like to make their loyalty known to friends and other people, and wearing or having something that signifies a band allows them to do this.
I plan to create a canvas bag or a t-shirt with some of the album art, or digipak poster images using transfer print, as this is cost effective but is also quite straight forward to create a high quality effect.
Video Opening Credits
Now that we are coming to the end of our editting, we need to work out what video opening we'd like to use. We could go for a blank page with name of the song and artist, however there are more conventions we could consider. Here are a few examples.
Nelly & Kelly Rowland - Dilemma
Lady Gaga & Beyonce - Telephone
Nelly & Kelly Rowland - Dilemma
Lady Gaga & Beyonce - Telephone
We sat down and tried to get most of our editing done today, we did our first minute and showed it to Mr Smith to see whether we where heading in the right direction with editing, luckily we where so we carried on with what we had already been working on. we had good feedback ' thisis good girls, a couple bits where you need to cross cut but other than that you should e proud yourself ' -Mr Smith. we also got some feedback from our friends which have watched it 'ts amazing, i like the fact that you have a time period and you sticking to it with the room and the cotume'- Joe Parr.
We need to think of ways in which our artist Jacques Reid is going to become popular and well known with his song 'white blank pages'. A way that would work well would be to advertise him online, we could do this on social networking sites. You will see in previous posts that Jacques has a twitter page and myspace so these will both contribute to his popularity if Jacques updates his status' regularly to keep fans posted on what is being released etc. We have a wikipedia page for Jacques to allow people to see a detailed description of him and what he does and his songs. This again will be a good way of advertisement for people who have never heard of him to have a look and see if they like the sound of him.
On the other hand not everyone uses the internet so there would be a problem for those to hear about Jacques. Therefore to resolve this we would make posters advertising his new song and where they can listen to it etc. By doing this we are creating a bigger audience.
On the other hand not everyone uses the internet so there would be a problem for those to hear about Jacques. Therefore to resolve this we would make posters advertising his new song and where they can listen to it etc. By doing this we are creating a bigger audience.
Tour poster research

Here is a tour poster for the Arctic Monkeys. I think that this slightly fits the idea of the sketch affect that we are going for in our own poster. By having the band members on the poster your eyes are drawn straight to them and the colour scheme works well because although it is simple it is effective. I think the sketch affect is also very affective and creative, Also with the writing being an off white colour it stands out on the black dotted background so the audience now exactly when an where the band are playing. Our poster will not be this modern because it doesn't fit in with our folk singer jacques.
Due to being ill i havn't been able to post for the past week or so, but with the deadline approaching i've had to try my very best to try and do some blogging. Unfortunately i havn't been able to be involved alot in the editing process but i will try and redeem the marks i have lost but producing my own digi pack and poster as well as the group one. I was there for all of the filming though so i have participated in making the music video and also did the draft and everything else with the group.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010

This is a font that I think is really fun and creative looking, however I didn't think it would work well with the album cover. After creating this mock up i've realised that the simplicity of it looks really good along with the drawing, as the use of thin black lines allows continuity of techniques in the drawing, making it look like a hand drawn picture.
This, unlike the other fonts I looked at is quite bold, and allows the text to make a statement, I quite like this though as it again fits the colour scheme. The uneven text is a nice effect as it doesn't look formal and again gives the fun effect we would like our album cover to have.
Scrap Outline

I don't particularly like the look of this text, however it reminded me of Foals' album cover for antidote so I wanted to try it out as with theirs, it looked very effective. I also don't like the fact the edges of the font isn't smooth like the others, makes it look like it isn't good quality. The only plus to this is it again gives the hand written effect that goes nicely with the drawing.

This is a very different font type to the others I chose, although yes it also gives the handwritten effect. The use of italics is something I didn't feel worked well in other quick mock ups, and this has shown me that in this case, again I don't feel it works well. The only good thing about this font is it looks like its been written in anger as it is dark and sporadiccly written, which fits with the anger captured in the drawing.

This, like 'Wirey' is a sparse looking font, however this is closer together and much narrower, I think this works as well as 'Wirey' although I find the overall look of 'Wirey' more even to the picture, allowing for better framing..
Feedback - Liam Douglas
I think the font compliments the style of drawing very well as it's very simplistic.
Lady Rene

I chose to try this font as it has a period look, without using italics which allows it to look better on the page. I actually quite like this font however after using other fonts such as 'Wirey' i've realised it isn't my favourite. I will have to chat with Hannah and Emily about the fonts though as it is important to get more than one opinion.


Scrap Outline



Feedback - Liam Douglas
I think the font compliments the style of drawing very well as it's very simplistic.
Lady Rene

Change of Expression

After talking to Mr Smith about my last drawing he advised me to work with expression as the song has very angry tones in it. He also mentioned the fact that Jacks lips were very prominent on the picture, and could be made a little smaller.

I also made a point of making the lips smaller as not only does it look better but with an angry expression the lips are naturally more surpressed.
Another thing I did was worked into the lines and shadows, making the dark lines more prominent to allow his hair to reflect the dark colour his hair is naturally, I also think this allows the picture to stand out more, making a statement.
List for filming.
We have decide to film 24th November, 1:10 - 3:45. hopefully We willl get our filming done by tomorrow then we will have time to edit thursday and friday.
-Memory card
-USB cable
-Memory card
-USB cable
Task Lists for the Group
~ Edit Film
~ Album Cover Analysis
~ Tour Poster Analysis
~ Photos for DigiPak
~ DigiPak Draft
~ Prop List
~ Risk Assessments
~ Filming Proof Photos
~ Finished Story Board
~ Finished Animatic
~ Evaluate filming (Choices made, Why they were made, What we would change)
~ Edit Film
~ Album Cover Analysis
~ Tour Poster Analysis
~ Photos for DigiPak
~ DigiPak Draft
~ Prop List
~ Risk Assessments
~ Filming Proof Photos
~ Finished Story Board
~ Finished Animatic
~ Evaluate filming (Choices made, Why they were made, What we would change)
Yet another disaster..
We have all had ilnesses last week so we have not had time to speak person to person or been in our lessons, we also have tried to film on one day but the memory card was full so we know have to decide when we are going to do jacks preformance scene. which will be difficult due to the issue with the sun going down very early and jack, me steff and emmy getting the time off school.
Tour poster.

This is the tour poster for the foals. I think due to the research steff has done for our cd cover, we need to go for a simialr style with the tour poster. This needs to compliment the cd cover, again doing the sketching to create a more modern feel. This poster is a bit to modern for our folk singer we need to come up with something softer and more fluid. I do like the way they have incorporated John Mccririck playing air guitar into this poster, this adds a sense of comedy to the poster because john mccririck is known for being a mardy, out spoken and a hater of everything that is popular.
Monday, 22 November 2010
Digipak Styles

This is a four panel digipak, a very basic digipak that is probably the most common. Most digipaks of this structure will include a pocket with a booklet including lyrics, information and photographs.

This is a six panel digipak, that will consist of a front and back cover, a spine, photographs of the artist, artist information, song lyrics and finally a disk pocket. This larger digipak gives the customer an easier viewing of the contents as it is not folded away into a booklet. We will make a 6 panel digipak to allow our artist to be properly portrayed through photography, as the front cover will be artistic.
Examples of Digipaks

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