
This is a font that I think is really fun and creative looking, however I didn't think it would work well with the album cover. After creating this mock up i've realised that the simplicity of it looks really good along with the drawing, as the use of thin black lines allows continuity of techniques in the drawing, making it look like a hand drawn picture.

This, unlike the other fonts I looked at is quite bold, and allows the text to make a statement, I quite like this though as it again fits the colour scheme. The uneven text is a nice effect as it doesn't look formal and again gives the fun effect we would like our album cover to have.
Scrap Outline

I don't particularly like the look of this text, however it reminded me of Foals' album cover for antidote so I wanted to try it out as with theirs, it looked very effective. I also don't like the fact the edges of the font isn't smooth like the others, makes it look like it isn't good quality. The only plus to this is it again gives the hand written effect that goes nicely with the drawing.

This is a very different font type to the others I chose, although yes it also gives the handwritten effect. The use of italics is something I didn't feel worked well in other quick mock ups, and this has shown me that in this case, again I don't feel it works well. The only good thing about this font is it looks like its been written in anger as it is dark and sporadiccly written, which fits with the anger captured in the drawing.

This, like 'Wirey' is a sparse looking font, however this is closer together and much narrower, I think this works as well as 'Wirey' although I find the overall look of 'Wirey' more even to the picture, allowing for better framing..
Feedback - Liam DouglasI think the font compliments the style of drawing very well as it's very simplistic.
Lady Rene

I chose to try this font as it has a period look, without using italics which allows it to look better on the page. I actually quite like this font however after using other fonts such as 'Wirey' i've realised it isn't my favourite. I will have to chat with Hannah and Emily about the fonts though as it is important to get more than one opinion.

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