Thursday 25 November 2010


We need to think of ways in which our artist Jacques Reid is going to become popular and well known with his song 'white blank pages'. A way that would work well would be to advertise him online, we could do this on social networking sites. You will see in previous posts that Jacques has a twitter page and myspace so these will both contribute to his popularity if Jacques updates his status' regularly to keep fans posted on what is being released etc. We have  a wikipedia page for Jacques to allow people to see a detailed description of him and what he does and his songs. This again will be a good way of advertisement for people who have never heard of him to have a look and see if they like the sound of him.
On the other hand not everyone uses the internet so there would be a problem for those to hear about Jacques. Therefore to resolve this we would make posters advertising his new song and where they can listen to it etc. By doing this we are creating a bigger audience.

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